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2018年8月30日 星期四

GE Fanuc Series 90-30 PLC

 Part                   # Description

IC693ACC300 Input Simulator Module

IC693ADS301 CIMPLICITY 90-ADS Package (First System)

IC693ALG220 Analog Input, Voltage/Current, 4 Channels

IC693ALG221 Analog Input, Current, 4 Channels

IC693ALG222 Analog Input, Voltage 16 Single/8 Differential Channels

IC693ALG223 Analog Input, Current, 16 Single Channels

IC693ALG390 Analog Output, Voltage, 2 Channels

IC693ALG391 Analog Output, Current, 2 Channels

IC693ALG392 High Density Analog Output (8 Channels)

IC693ALG442 Analog Combo Module 4IN/2OUT

IC693APU300 High Speed Counter (HSC)

IC693APU305 I/O Processor Module

IC693BEm331 Genius Bus Controller (supports I/O and Datagrams)

IC693CHS391 Base, CPU, 10 Slots, Use With CPU331/CSE331 and above

IC693CHS392 Base, Expansion, 10 Slots

IC693CHS393 Base, Remote Expansion, 10 Slots (700 ft.)

IC693CHS397 Base, CPU, 5 Slots, Use With CPU331/CSE331 and above

IC693CHS398 Base, Expansion, 5 Slots

IC693CHS399 Base, Remote Expansion, 5 Slots (700 ft.)

IC693CMM301 Genius Communications Module, GCM (256 bits)

IC693CMM302 Communication Module, Genius (1 Kbyte) GCM+ (no datagram support)

IC693CMM311 Communications Module, CCM, RTU, SNP, and SNPx Protocols

IC693CMM321 Ethernet Interface TCP/IP Module

IC693CPU311 5-Slot Base With CPU in base (6K Bytes User Program) Battery included

IC693CPU313 5-Slot Base With Turbo CPU in base (.6 msec), 1K Registers, (12K Bytes User Program) Battery included

IC693CPU323 10-Slot Base With Turbo CPU in base (.6 msec) 12K bytes User Program,  Battery included

IC693CPU331 CPU 331 Module (16K Bytes), The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693CPU340 CPU 340 Module (32K Bytes user memory), 10KRegisters, .3 msec/K,  The battery  for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693CPU341 CPU 341 Module (80K Bytes user memory), 10K Registers, .3 msec/K,  The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693CPU350 CPU 350 Module (32K Bytes user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks), no built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K,  The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693CPU351 CPU 351 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks) two built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K, The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693CPU352 CPU 352 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks, Hardware FLOATING POINT MATH), two built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K, The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693CPU360 CPU 360 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory,4K I/O, 8 Racks), no built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K, The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box.
IC693CPU363 CPU 363 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory), The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693CPU364 CPU 364 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory), The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box, Embedded Ethernet
IC693CPU374 CPU 374 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory)  The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box, Embedded Ethrnet 10/100Mbs w/built-in switch. No serial ports.
IC693MAR590Mixed I/O, 120Vac Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points)

IC693MDL230 120 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points)

IC693MDL231 240 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points)

IC693MDL240 120 Vac Input (16 Points)

IC693MDL241 24 Vac/Vdc Input (16 Points)

IC693MDL310 120 Vac Output, 0.5 Amp (12 Points)

IC693MDL330 120/240 Vac Output, 2 Amp (8 Points)

IC693MDL340 120 Vac Output, 0.5 Amp (16 Points)

IC693MDL390 120/240 Vac Isolated Output, 2 Amp (5 Points)

IC693MDL632 125 Vdc Input (8 Points)

IC693MDL634 24 Vdc Input, Negative/Positive Logic (8 Points)

IC693MDL645 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic (16 Points)

IC693MDL646 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 msec Filter (16 points)

IC693MDL648 48VDC Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 msec filter, Neg/Pos Logic (16 points)

IC693MDL653 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 2msec Filter (32 Points)

IC693MDL654 5/12 Vdc (TTL) Input, Neg/Pos Logic, (32 points)

IC693MDL655 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 ms, (32 pts)

IC693MDL730 12/24 Vdc Output, 2 Amp, Positive Logic (8 Points)

IC693MDL731 12/24 Vdc Output, 2 Amp, Negative Logic (8 Points)

IC693MDL732 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Positive Logic (8 Points)

IC693MDL733 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Negative Logic (8 Points)

IC693MDL734 125 Vdc Output, (6 Points)

IC693MDL740 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Positive Logic (16 Points)

IC693MDL741 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Negative Logic (16 Points)

IC693MDL742 12/24 Vdc Output, 1 Amp, Positive Logic (16 Points), Fused

IC693MDL748 48VDC Output, 0.5 Amps, Positive Logic (8 points)

IC693MDL750 12/24 Vdc Output, Negative Logic (32 Points)

IC693MDL751 12/24 Vdc Output, Positive Logic (32 Points)

IC693MDL752 5/12/24 Vdc (TTL) Output, Neg Logic, (32 points)

IC693MDL753 12/24 Vdc Output, Pos Logic (32 Pts)

IC693MDL930 Relay Output, Isolated, 4 Amp (8 Points)

IC693MDL931 Relay Output, 8 Amp Form B/C contacts, Isolated in groups of 4

IC693MDL940 Relay Output, 2 Amp (16 Points)

IC693MDR390 Mixed I/O, 24Vdc Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points)

IC693PBM200 Profibus DP Master Module

IC693PBM201 Profibus DP Slave Module

IC693PCM300 Prog. Coproc. Mdl., 160 KB (35 KB Basic Prgm), w/Port Exp. Cbl.

IC693PCM301 Prog. Coproc. Mdl., 192 KB (47 KB Basic Prgm), w/Port Exp. Cbl.

IC693PCM311 Prog. Coproc. Mdl., 640 KB (190 KB Basic Prgm), w/Port Exp. Cbl.

IC693PRG300 Hand Held Programmer (HHP) With Cable & Manual

IC693PWR321 Power Supply, 120/240 Vac, 125 Vdc, Standard, Battery not included.  Battery is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693PWR322 Power Supply, 24/48 Vdc, Standard. Battery not included.  Battery is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693PWR328 Power Supply, 48 Vdc, Standard. Battery not included.  Battery is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693PWR330 Power Supply, 120/240 Vac, 125 Vdc, High Capacity. Battery not included.  Battery is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693PWR331 Power Supply, 24 Vdc, High Capacity. Battery not included.  Battery is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693PWR332 Power Supply, 12 Vdc, High Capacity. Battery not included.  Battery is now included in the CPU backplane box.

IC693APU301 Axis Positioning Module

IC693APU302 Dual Axis Module

IC693DSM302 Axis Positioning Module

IC693DSM314 Axis Positioning Module

YU-YI Technology Co,. Ltd
Contact : Mr. Huang
TEL : +886-73752385
Mobil : +886-933302321
E-mail : huang@yuyiplc.com
QQ : 1448481913、572134183
Line ID : anyparts
Wechat ID : anyparts





About YUYI

YUYI Global Technology Co,. Ltd.
Website: http://www.yuyiplc.com
「裕益科技有限公司」創立於西元1987年(民國76年),主要產品為分散式控制系統(DCS)、可程式編碼自動控制器(PLC)、遠端輸出/輸入模組(RTU)、工業電腦(IPC)、工業用低頻螢幕、工業用低容量硬碟SCSI(50,68,80Pin)、 AnyBus(Gateway)、人機介面HMI及工業控制servo、vaccum pump、robot controller、uv/rf power supply、伺服器Server相關附屬產品,迄今已經超過30年。期間由於科技產品變化快速與市場景氣變遷,有鑑於市場需求開始在台 灣市場建立自動化產品倉儲系統,來滿足客戶備品上快速維修上的需求。
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Line ID : anyparts
Wechat ID : anyparts

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